Thursday, December 5, 2013

Chapter 29

during all these powerful movements in america. Youth began to realize they had more freedom and power to do what they wanted. This was known as the Counterculture revolution, a time where youth did everything in there will to break away from social restriction and normal middle class life. youths would live in communities together, experimenting in drugs and sexual partners. They called themselves "hippies" and wanted to be completely free from materialism. Music became a popular thing in the counterculture revolution and songs were often about what hippies and those living this lifestyle were experiencing. Sex became a much more open and recreational. around this time the pill was created in order to stop unplanned pregnancies. People lived together and most slept with multiple partners at a time. the counterculture did not last very long but it has forever effected american culture. i find this time a really interesting time in US history because it has impacted culture today in so many ways. Before most only knew what was normal and proper but now a whole new world was opened up that basically anything was okay and you could be just how you wanted to be, even if it was frowned upon. If the Counter culture revolution never happened, i dont think our culture, music and media would be the way it is now. it seems as though, ever since the 60s media and culture has become more and more corrupt. It scares me what the next generation will be like.

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