Thursday, December 5, 2013

Chapter 27

In the 1950's there was a lot of tension about the US being the top of technology around the world. When the Soviet Union launched their there first satellite sputnik. This challenged americans and now americans felt the need to improve american education. federal government for the first time felt the need to fund higher education, and enforcing schools to focus on science, math, and foreign languages. Many adults were not used to this concept of their kids staying in school and not working, which made many adults skeptical. This is so different from now because now if you don't stay in school that is questioned. BEcause of all these culture changed, young adults now became "rebellious" in parents eyes. Young adults were considered dangerous. Young adults started to listen to rock and roll music which were seen by many parents as horrible, suggestive and inappropriate. Some parents feared that this was a plot to mix races because it was a mixture of african american music and white music. The more adults talked about rock and roll being wrong the more teenagers would listen to it.

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