Thursday, November 14, 2013

primary source. the 60s

I wanted to watch something about the sixties, because i think the sixties was the most culture changing time in American History. It was a time where many citizens who's opinions were once over ruled by authority now spoke up and fought for change. During the 60's there was a war going on in Vietnam, African Americans were fighting for equality, youth fought for peace and change, and students fought for changes as well. it was a time of empowerment and change. I find this time in America so interesting because before the 60's most just followed the social norm and how society always was. Now the norm was to go against the culture they grew up in. The Youth of the 60's have shaped society so much today. The 60s showed that youth could make a difference and could cause change. If the 60's never happened i think culture would be so different today. Youth would continue to be under authority and never argue for what they want, and i think that is an important part of today, being able to be who you want and how you want to be.

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