Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chapter 17

This chapter was very hard for me to read. I always knew that European settlers we're horrible to natives but I never really realized how horrible they were. Plains Indians relied on bison and migrated with bison to provide food for them. Native Americans had been living by this concept for many generations. But when Europeans settlers came they began to kill the bison dramatically to provide for the market. Many army commanders encouraged the mad killing of bison because it would help undermine Indian resistance to become civilized. Then the fort Laramie treaty was created which was a treaty that removed plains Indians to reservations where they would try and civilize the Indians. One chief was able to remain on his land, sitting bull. He was one of the few native Americans that defeated George Armstrong clusters force. This was a big event for native Americans.  Shortly later the Dawes severalty act was placed which was another attempted at civilizing Indians. This act distributed land amongst Indians which was once their land, in hopes that they would leave there nomadic ways. It didn't stop there the last final event against the plains Indians was the killing of Sitting bull And then the battle at wounded knee where 300 Indians were massacred. I cannot believe what settlers put native Americans through. It was there land first it's horrible that it was taken so violently.

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