Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Chapter 11

In this chapter we read about how theatrical performances became a popular form of entertainment. I thought that it was interesting that the audience was very diverse and was not for just high class citizens but low class citizens could go. Their were prostitutes in the crowd and rowdy men who often threw things at the stage that they did not like. The most popular theatrical show was called minstrel shows which were shows that reinforced racial stereotypes. In these shows they depicted African Americans as clumsy and stupid and made fun of their roots and called their shows african related names such as "Nubian Jungle Dance". Another Popular kind of show were the shows by P.T. Barnum who introduced fantasy and weird wonders to people. His goal was to interest people and not educate them so he purchased a museum where he had all sorts of wonders of the world, almost like a freak show.

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