Friday, September 13, 2013

Chapter 5

After reading chapter 5 i have become completely shocked in the british. It amazed me that they went to so much effort to get money from the colonist to help them get over their debt. They made so many attempts to control the colonists and get more money from them. Even though the colonists were fighting back the British still would keep showing their power over them and set up more laws. Things really started to heat up around the Boston Massacre when the colonist faced the British for the first time but failed and lost 5 colonists. After that the British still continued to make laws that made the colonists even more mad. The Tea Act was the last straw for the colonists because they shortly after went to the harbors and destroyed all the tea that had been shipped in by the British. I enjoyed reading this chapter because i have heard and read about it so many times but this is the first time i think i really understand why all the events that took place did.

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